No, there are several other Windows only frameworks out there that are utter crap. .NET and C# are really neat as a matter of fact, and i am enjoying writing code using them. MFC is just one big mistake by MS. Well, it was not that when it was used in Windows 3.1, but the fact that it is still available in anything beyond Windows 98 is just a shame. As many half assed programs get written using it.
Cocoa and Carbon might be Mac only, but at least Cocoa was designed from the ground up to be a good framework that does what it is supposed to. No hacks to an existing Api, but rather a new API. Which is what makes .NET neat as well, as most of the API is new and does not base itself off of the old existing API.
Now please Netryder, you might think i hate MS for everything they do, but in fact i like some of their stuff and use it on a daily basis. I might not like the way they do business, but that does not mean i have to dislike all of their products, and or what they have to offer.
edit: Netryder: next time ill run my posts by you before i post them just in case i did not specify what i meant correctly.