Newbie Questions Needed! :)

Transmit ( is supposed to be the best FTP client available, I only use RBrowserLite because it's free, I don't use FTP enough to buy a client 🙂

There may be more, however like I say, I don't really FTP that much with clients, usually just use Terminal, find it quicker most of the time 🙂
Thanks B, not sure how happy i'd be with paying for it, but ill try the trial if RBrowserLite is unbearable.

I have the new iBook with the wireless built in - what type of RAM should I be looking at? It's only got 256 at the moment, but its still hella-fast. I might have £90 credit at, though, so I may as well knock the RAM up, especially with Photoshop on its way. If you see anything there that would work in my iBook, let me know.

Thanks again!
I think it's 200-pin PC2700 or PC2100, it's just standard notebook ram anyway. Not sure that OCUK do notebook memory? I'd take a look but I've got to run off to work (booooooo! 😛)
Just a quick question; hope it's not too odd/stupid 🙂

I'm in the process of looking for a portable laptop...was wondering, can you program using c++ using OSX as the operating system? If so, what program would you use?

For example, i'm using Visual C++ .Net on the bog-standard Windowx XP PC at the moment...what would be the 'mac equivalent'?

Hope that doesn't sound too confusing 🙂
uhm, XCode with Object-C and Cacoa or whatever it is called. I believe it does C++ as well.

But you can off course also use c++, just none of the .net stuff. It comes with the gcc, which includes a c++ compiler.

XCode is a developer tool, that lets you code using whatever you want. It handles all kinds of neat stuff for you.

But programming C++ can even be done using just a text editor, the IDE just takes the complicated part of creating the Makefile and dependencies out of your hands, and helps you along with auto-completion.

OS X supports any programming language that has a compiler for it, or any interpreted scripting language as long as it can compile with any of the available compilers.

Java comes standard with the system, and writing code using Java is just as painless as you would expect.

Personnally i use SubEthaEdit for all my coding, as it is simple, fast and just works. Dun know about any forks for the mac version of Mono, which would let you use C# with .net stuff on the Mac, like you can on Linux.

It is all up to you. You should look at Mac OS X as you would look at Linux. Qt is also available, and so are others.

So you have available to you pretty much anything you would on windows/linux, with an exception to .NET and MFC and all those other frameworks that exist just for windows (Most of which are crap).

Just a note to make NetRyder happy: Cocoa is a Mac OS X only framework which is slowly being ported to other OS's by the opensource community.
SPeedY_B said:
heh, ok. It just seems a bit odd, seems that you're not alone though, quick search via google reveals that others are suffering from the caps problem, however I wasn't able to find a solution, or even possible solution to the problem. :/

Possibly to many strtoupper()'s some place 😛.

I saw this for my USB mem sticks, but thought nothing of it because the FAT name gets stored in uppercase most of the time. And special characters are used to add lowercase or something or other.

Learning to live with it, is something that will just have to happen. Once you get used to it, it is not that big of a deal either.
It did appear most people who had the problem were using their iPod with windows, silly people 😛 so I don't know why Andy would suffer the same problem with OS X.

As for the C++ thing, nice advice, and good recommendation of Subethaedit, bloody great app, just for reference, the link: 🙂
Once someone can recommend me an app that works just as well as that, AND supports cvs, then i will start using that, but for now this works thebest.
X-Istence said:
So you have available to you pretty much anything you would on windows/linux, with an exception to .NET and MFC and all those other crappy Windows only things.
So MFC and .NET become crap because they're Windows-only, yet you conveniently choose to ignore the fact that Cocoa/Carbon are Mac-only frameworks. Talk about typical.

The point is if your work involves developing applications using MFC and the .NET framework, you shouldn't be using a Mac in the first place, just like you wouldn't try to code Cocoa/Carbon-based applications on a Windows machine.
Oh joy, pointless zelotry.

Don't take this thread in the directin of worthless argument (that's aimed at everyone, not just one or two people).
Thanks for the replies, I have to admit, SubEthaEdit looks really good!

I undertand the .net framework might be the 'next big thing' in programming, but at the moment we're still focusing on the basics (i'm only really using .net becuase the uni is part of the msdn thing). I guess, if we/I ever do migrate fully to using .net, I can still use my desktop PC for the majority of the work 😀

An apple laptop looks to be more worth getting with every passing day now.
SPeedY_B said:
Oh joy, pointless zelotry.

Don't take this thread in the directin of worthless argument (that's aimed at everyone, not just one or two people).
Tell me about it.
The last thing I want is to have OSNN turn into another Slashdot/Spymac/<insert_zealot_infested_site_here>. Sheesh...
NetRyder said:
So MFC and .NET become crap because they're Windows-only, yet you conveniently choose to ignore the fact that Cocoa/Carbon are Mac-only frameworks. Talk about typical.

The point is if your work involves developing applications using MFC and the .NET framework, you shouldn't be using a Mac in the first place, just like you wouldn't try to code Cocoa/Carbon-based applications on a Windows machine.

No, there are several other Windows only frameworks out there that are utter crap. .NET and C# are really neat as a matter of fact, and i am enjoying writing code using them. MFC is just one big mistake by MS. Well, it was not that when it was used in Windows 3.1, but the fact that it is still available in anything beyond Windows 98 is just a shame. As many half assed programs get written using it.

Cocoa and Carbon might be Mac only, but at least Cocoa was designed from the ground up to be a good framework that does what it is supposed to. No hacks to an existing Api, but rather a new API. Which is what makes .NET neat as well, as most of the API is new and does not base itself off of the old existing API.

Now please Netryder, you might think i hate MS for everything they do, but in fact i like some of their stuff and use it on a daily basis. I might not like the way they do business, but that does not mean i have to dislike all of their products, and or what they have to offer.

edit: Netryder: next time ill run my posts by you before i post them just in case i did not specify what i meant correctly.
X-Istence said:
No, there are several other Windows only frameworks out there that are utter crap. .NET and C# are really neat as a matter of fact, and i am enjoying writing code using them. MFC is just one big mistake by MS. Well, it was not that when it was used in Windows 3.1, but the fact that it is still available in anything beyond Windows 98 is just a shame. As many half assed programs get written using it.

Cocoa and Carbon might be Mac only, but at least Cocoa was designed from the ground up to be a good framework that does what it is supposed to. No hacks to an existing Api, but rather a new API. Which is what makes .NET neat as well, as most of the API is new and does not base itself off of the old existing API.

Now please Netryder, you might think i hate MS for everything they do, but in fact i like some of their stuff and use it on a daily basis. I might not like the way they do business, but that does not mean i have to dislike all of their products, and or what they have to offer.

edit: Netryder: next time ill run my posts by you before i post them just in case i did not specify what i meant correctly.
I agree with you to a certain extent about MFC. After you use WinForms and all the new stuff available with the .NET framework, MFC does look quite messy. However, until .NET came along, it did do the job quite well. But yeah, after getting into C# and .NET, there's no way I'm going back to MFC either. 🙂

I think there might have been a miscommunication problem, because the way you worded your initial post made it sound like .NET and MFC are "crap" because they're available for Windows only. That, to me, is a rather unfair comment, since lots of programming APIs and frameworks are OS-specific.

In any case, I'm glad it's cleared up now (that's what I love about OSNN), and I appreciate your willingness to clarify yourself. From my side, I apologize if I misunderstood your intent. Let's get on with the topic at hand now. 😉
Ok - RAM question time.

I have been told by Overclockers that this is the stuff that will most likely work with my iBook, but to check with Apple before I buy. Apple danced around the question, however, and said they could only endorse buying the official memory.

I wonder if anyone could tell me if it will work or not. I have £90 credit at overclockers - i know it'd be much easier to buy someplace else.
Well in mine, I have
512MB DDR PC2100

Looking at the bottom DIMM on the page you linked
- 200pin, Non-ECC, Un-buffered, SO-DIMM DDR memory modules
- GeIL 6ns 32x8 Density WLCSP DDR Chip
- 6 Layers Ultra Low Noises Shielded Golden Dragon PCB with Gold 30u" Plating
- Optimized SPD Guarantee 100% Compatiblity.
- Lifetime Warranty
- DR333 PC2700
- 2.55V-2.65V
- Dual Channel Compatible

Looks like it should work. I got my memory from Crucial (which is apparently where Apple get it from anyway) and I must admit I paid more than I could of done, but I couldn't be bothered looking around at the time. I'd ask the o/c guys if it can be returned if it doesn't work... however I'd say it's likely it will, it's just a standard 200-Pin stick of 2100 after all 🙂

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie Electronic Punk Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
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Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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