1. Yes... no... yes... well, maybe. Depending on the drive, and the availability of the firmware and tools to flash it, you
can make your DVD drive region0. However, there are VERY few firmwares and flash utilities available for the Mac, you can take the drive out and flash it on a PC no problem though, just not so much with the iBook. Once you've done that though, "DVD Player" is still software region encoded, and to my knowledge, no one has bothered to work around it.
The absolute short of it? Go get VideoLAN from
http://videolan.org/vlc/ , as it completely and utterly ignores region encoding and is an absolute god send
2. Click the icon on your desktop, hit enter, type the new name, hit enter again. Bam.
3. System Preferences (In /Applications/ if you removed the dock icon for any reason
🙂) click 'Appearance' then simply change the top option from 'Blue' to 'Graphite'.
4. As you've already mentioned, Slashdot and AI. There's also
http://macrumors.com/ http://macbytes.com/ (good as a homepage)
http://apple-x.net/ http://macosxhints.com/ and probably some more, I actually don't frequent that many Apple only sites, maybe I should