oh i never said how i got on with this...well, i sent them back, got them replaced, same hiss...so i sent those back and this happened again until i'd been through 5 (yes, i'm not joking...5) sets of these speakers, after the 4th set i demanded a refund but this was when they said they'd upgrade the speakers to the 7.1 set, fully tested by creative and give me some crap 128mb creative mp3 player too, so i agreed, hoping that these would be better...and what arrived on my doorstep? the same 5.1 speakers, 1 of the speakers had been tested (the other 4 were still perfectly sealed) and no mp3 player. so that was that, they went back, i got my money back and spent the extra £50 to get the logitech z-680's from overclockers.co.uk...result = amazing, absolutely no hissing, much better bass (the creative set seemed overpowered, far too deep) and i've also got these plugged into my xbox via the optic cable (not available on the creative set) so halo 2 and dvds sound like they should do. i thought the same as you, since creative are known for making the best sound cards (as far as i knew anyway) i thought why not go for the speakers too, i wont make that mistake again.