Hi all
I have a copy of Win Money 2000 Financial Suite, and downloaded Money 2002 Delux. I found when i tried to run it it would not load my old money file. This is because my version is from the UK and Money 2002 delux is a US based programme.
No problem until i tries to remove it through add remove programes in control panel. For some reason it will not uninstall??
I cannot reload Money 2000 ?
Also what ever i touch it keeps trying to install MOney 2002 even if i open Windos IE 6 it trys to install Money 2002.
Most things i touch start of the Windows installer for Money 2002??
When i cancel it it comes up with Error Code 1706 could not be found for product.The windows installer can not continue.
How can i get rid of this annoying problem?
There is nothing on the Knowledge Base i can find re this problem.
Anybody any ideas whats going on.
I have a copy of Win Money 2000 Financial Suite, and downloaded Money 2002 Delux. I found when i tried to run it it would not load my old money file. This is because my version is from the UK and Money 2002 delux is a US based programme.
No problem until i tries to remove it through add remove programes in control panel. For some reason it will not uninstall??
I cannot reload Money 2000 ?
Also what ever i touch it keeps trying to install MOney 2002 even if i open Windos IE 6 it trys to install Money 2002.
Most things i touch start of the Windows installer for Money 2002??
When i cancel it it comes up with Error Code 1706 could not be found for product.The windows installer can not continue.
How can i get rid of this annoying problem?
There is nothing on the Knowledge Base i can find re this problem.
Anybody any ideas whats going on.