Krom, this is from the messenger help file:
What is a tab?
A tab allows you to quickly check information that is important to you—the arrival of new e-mail, stock prices, today's calendar. The list of possibilities will grow over time
as new content providers become available.
The tabs appear as images in the background along the left side of the MSN Messenger window. Clicking the image brings it to the foreground, opening the tab and its
Since the content of the tabs is provided by someone other than MSN Messenger, you will typically go to the content provider's Web site to request the information and any
help you need. Just click the tab and follow the directions provided there for modifying the information on that tab.
If you do not see tabs along the left side of the main window, go to the Tools menu, point to Show Tabs, and make sure that the ones you want to appear are checked.
Related Topics
View a tab
Edit a tab
Dont know if this will help you or not, was just one of the tabs that was there when I clicked on the Show Tabs.