Originally posted by Qumahlin
Who was smoking crack when they wrote that checklist?!?!
DVD work fine on mac's, there was a problem with older G3's not playing DVD correctly due to badly written drivers, but they played fine on G4's and G3's that didn't use onboard video
My friend is a strict mac addict, won't touch a PC and lemme tell you watching DVD's on his Ibook is pretty damn sweet
I believe that checklist was simply comparing "out of the box" features - it seems that DVD playback is not possible with OSX (although it is possible with OSX.1)
out of the box. Of course I cannot verify this as I do not have a Mac...
As for DVD playback, I'm sure it does looks great on some Macs (like your friend's) but then again it looks GREAT on some PC's too (like mine) - my video card (Radeon 8500) has an onboard hardware DVD decoder, so the image quality/speed is amazing. However I would venture to say that DVD playback is largely hardware dependent so it probably doesn't look quite as good on the vast majority of PCs (which are using Nvidia graphics cards)...
Lastly, my personal opinion of Macs is not based on hearsay but on my experience with them... My ex-girlfriend's parents had an iMac and can I just say, it crashed more than any computer I've ever seen!! It was amazing, I'd be doing something simple like surfing the internet or playing one of the (included) games, and it would crash, HARD - required at least one reboot each time, although often it had to be rebooted like two or three times. This was an "out of the box" configuration, running software that was packaged with it... Later, I was able to use Macs quite a bit at school too, which had a large Mac lab (as well as four large PC labs)
😀 and those Macs were much more stable than my ex's parents' Mac- but then again the PCs were also stable.
In my personal experience (computers I've actually owned) I've gone through two OSs (Win98SE and XP Pro) and countless hardware variations - from my original Slot A Athlon 600MHz with Voodoo3 3000 AGP and Aureal SQ2500, to Slot A 950MHz with a Radeon 7200 and SBLive 5.1, to my current rig, a completely overhauled Socket A AthlonXP with a Radeon 8500, blah blah blah...
🙂 I have NEVER had stability problems with either OS or any hardware configuration, in fact for the past 2.5 years, the only time my system has ever crashed is when I overclock the hell out of it (which is of course my fault - not the hardware/OS's fault).
That is why I personally dislike Macs, and love PCs. I'm sure other people have different opinions, and different experiences, but it doesn't change what I have experienced first hand. OSX might be good for some people, but when I think of stable platforms, the LAST thing that comes to mind are Macs.
ps and WHAT THE HELL is with that ONE BUTTON MOUSE??!!
🙂 I'm gonna go spend $10 000USD on the new dual processor G4 and get a friggin one button mouse with it??!! My a$$!!! lol