Yeah Yeah. It's probly been here before, but I cant find it anywhere...
Lag in cs
Wether it be the mouse, keyboard or werid packet loss, it's always there, how do I get rid of it is my question.
I have tried everything, i've even tried installing nvidia drivers from the 11x range, i've tried windows updates compatablity mode, the -consol thing, reinstalling my hole network old mouse drivers, new mouse drivers, nvidia tweaks via drivers old and new amd xp update NOTHING WORKS if anyone can help me PLEASE DO
I'm now considering reinstalling windows xp.
Also my hard drive keeps reading for some reson, this problem also happens in other games like quake 3.
OS: Windows XP Home
Mobo: Soltek SL- 75DRV(kt 266)
GFX: GeForce 2 Pro (with dvd decoder)
CPU: AMD XP 1600+
RAM: 256 MB (DDR)
Lag in cs
Wether it be the mouse, keyboard or werid packet loss, it's always there, how do I get rid of it is my question.
I have tried everything, i've even tried installing nvidia drivers from the 11x range, i've tried windows updates compatablity mode, the -consol thing, reinstalling my hole network old mouse drivers, new mouse drivers, nvidia tweaks via drivers old and new amd xp update NOTHING WORKS if anyone can help me PLEASE DO
I'm now considering reinstalling windows xp.
Also my hard drive keeps reading for some reson, this problem also happens in other games like quake 3.
OS: Windows XP Home
Mobo: Soltek SL- 75DRV(kt 266)
GFX: GeForce 2 Pro (with dvd decoder)
CPU: AMD XP 1600+
RAM: 256 MB (DDR)