Hi Guys,
I got this website owner who wants me to do some changes to her site.
If you go here : http://www.crystalheal.net/charting4P.htm
and click on the ' compute chart ' button you will see some end results.What she wanted me to do is to colorized the tables ; for example "Earth (Wu)" color brown or "Fire (Bing)" color red etc etc ...so how do I put in the script ? Can anyone help ? Thank you.
I got this website owner who wants me to do some changes to her site.
If you go here : http://www.crystalheal.net/charting4P.htm
and click on the ' compute chart ' button you will see some end results.What she wanted me to do is to colorized the tables ; for example "Earth (Wu)" color brown or "Fire (Bing)" color red etc etc ...so how do I put in the script ? Can anyone help ? Thank you.