I should be able to do this....


OSNN Addict
26 Mar 2004
Silly question time,
Im currently typing up my 3rd year dissertation, and word is beggining to annoy me! How can i get it to use the UK spellings rather than US, ive tried changing it in the language menu but it still reverts back every time! fed up of it highlighting behaviour when thats the proper spelling (apologies all of you in US!) as just one example!

Any Hints?
Get a British custom dictionary from here and set Word to use it. Or better yet, add a bunch of "U"s into words ending in "-or" in your own custom dictionary.

I have the same problem. My southern neighours have butchered most words that end ir -or.
Isn't it an install option? To choose the European English install? Alternatively turn spell checking off and use a 3rd party spell checker - seeing as this sounds like one large documetn that may not be too bad?
You will have to change the default language setting in XP for the setting to stay all the time. I have never tried this so I don't know what all the affects will be but try this.

(You can change your default settings in Microsoft Office to have them match the default settings of a different language.

On the Microsoft Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Office XP Language Settings.
Click the Enabled Languages tab.
In the Default version of Microsoft Office box, select the language you want, and then click OK.
A message appears describing the effects of the change. To continue, click Continue and close customizations)

Hope this helps some with what your looking for? 😀
Abbadon2001 said:
Silly question time,
Im currently typing up my 3rd year dissertation, and word is beggining to annoy me! How can i get it to use the UK spellings rather than US, ive tried changing it in the language menu but it still reverts back every time! fed up of it highlighting behaviour when thats the proper spelling (apologies all of you in US!) as just one example!

Any Hints?

Not being funny, I hope you use a spell checker, before you finalise and submit.
Abbadon2001 said:
Silly question time,
Im currently typing up my 3rd year dissertation, and word is beggining to annoy me! How can i get it to use the UK spellings rather than US, ive tried changing it in the language menu but it still reverts back every time! fed up of it highlighting behaviour when thats the proper spelling (apologies all of you in US!) as just one example!

Any Hints?

Thats not spelled right...... you guys are crazy over there! anyways are you using MSWORD? cuzz if you are cant u make a personal dictionary entry for the word and tell it to use that word all the time?

Ive had a go with the langauge settings for office external to word, and that seems to have helped with using the correct dictionairy in word for some documents, but not my big document :S ah well - i know its spelt correctly, ill just have to either turn the wretched checker off and use a 3rd party app or just ignore it !

cheers chaps
Abbadon2001 said:
cheers chaps

HMMMmmmm despite the lack of location this tells me you are in dear old blighty! Is your disertation an Oxbridged one? If so I think you better watch out for any yankeeisms - they might get punished! 😛

Good luck anyway! 😉
Your deduction would be correct, however its not an oxbridge disertation, although i had the choice to go to oxford if i wanted to! Its a materials engineering disertation and its becoming a little unwieldy in its size no that is assembled in to one document!
well, there should be only a few words that differ. Why not just add the English spellings to the custom dictionary. That way they won't be highlighted
There's a setting (in Word 2002 at least) to change the language for a document.

Highlight the text you want to set the language for (in your case press ctrl-A to select all), then go to Tools, Language, and select "Set Language". You should then be able to select English (UK) and click Default. Hopefully this should make the spell checker check your document in Proper English 😀
Yeah you would think that would be the case sinnoc00, but as the original post said it triedd that for the whole document, and tried higlighting whole thing too, and didnt work - given up for now, ill prob change to office 2003 soon anyway, will get a copy from my cousin probably. I could as everyone says add them to the US dictionary - but that shouldnt be necessary! Im just think the software should behave itself - or is that too much to expect from microsoft....

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