i just dumped a whole glass of diet soda in my keyboard...........

11 Mar 2004
i just dumped a whole glass of diet soda in my keyboard...........

on my brand new logitech wireless keyboard.....

son of a @#$#@.

hopefully it dries out. i wiped as much of it as i could out and went over the ribbion stips inside with rubbing alchole.

its still not detecting. maybe i needs longer to dry out.
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I did the same thing a year ago with vodca/red bull. Like yourself I tried to clean it. The keyboard never recovered. I was more than a little miffed because it was the best keyboard I ever had and I couldn't get another one.
well i just bought it so i may do the "im going to say it stop working thing" and try to get another.
I buy $5 AOPEN cheapo's so when it happens, I just buy another one.
Good thing it was diet -- no sugar.
Tho if it was soda, thats just carbonated water (getting all english up in he-ya)

I spilt OJ on a keyboard once, shook it off, it worked so I thought nothing of it. Meanwhile the citric acid was eating thru the membranes and broke the circuitary by eating thru them.
Meanwhile the citric acid was eating thru the membranes and broke the circuitary by eating thru them.

what i spilt was fresca......... 2nd ingred. citric acid.....

Mine is spill proof. I can dump some drink on it, and i can then tilt it to one special side, and let it all run out.

For cleaning all you do is pour half a glass for water in it, and then tilt it to one side, and your set to go again. Its pretty cool.
You could pour water on to it so that it washes out the acid/sugar. Then blow dry it.
o_87 said:
You could pour water on to it so that it washes our the acid/sugar. Then blow dry it.
blow dry w/ cold air though 🙂
well at least it was diet so it won't get fat...

sorry this thread was just asking for it
Take and rinse it out really good in the sink, then let it dry completely before you plug it back in. It should still work.
I once spilt a glass of Newcastle on my kybd. I immediately unplugged it, rinsed well w/ water in the shower, then opened it up and let it dry out for a coupla' days. No probs..........except for the lack of more Newcastle.
X-Istence said:
Mine is spill proof. I can dump some drink on it, and i can then tilt it to one special side, and let it all run out.

For cleaning all you do is pour half a glass for water in it, and then tilt it to one side, and your set to go again. Its pretty cool.

I'd like to see a pic of that, got any?
Best bet is to take it aaprt and clean it with alcohol. Topside membranes and electronics on the bottom. Warnign keys may all fall out when doign this.

Lazy approach - Use the shower trick before the soda dries. Run the water hot, it will speed up the drying process. Remove batteries first.

50-50 recovery if prompt action taken.

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Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
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Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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