How Did You Get Your User Name?

Well, I was formerly KCNYCHIEF. I was sitting in my dorm room about 3 years ago now (wow, I'm getting old), and trying to think of a new screen name for AIM. After a little thought, it came to me since I like Kansas City Chiefs (KC), New York Yankees (NY), and the Chief came from the Chiefs, hence, KCNYCHIEF

Since, I have changed to EVERYONE'S favorite, wwwdjrcs, to match my name on my own forum, and others I have joined recently. I want uniformity :smoker:

My story is boring 🙂
Haha, mine started on Mirc, some guy was pissed me off and being racist if i remember correctly, so i changed my name to themafia_69 and i scared him and told him i would hack him etc, he got scared and left, and thats how my name stuck around, made my hotmail email, and then it was my online identity hehe
the mafia part i used to scare him i dont remember i was like 10 lol, i think it was to the effect to let him know i was in the mafia lol yeah it was stupid but i was 10 whatever it worked haha
shepscrook - Well, the story goes back to he days when AOL was the only ISP to really go with. The typical names of Viper, and Joker, and Ace were all taken at the time. So I decided I'd randomly open a dictionary and point in it and find a word to work with. Well, I landed on Shepherds Crook. It was a little to long. So I shortened it.

That's it.
Mine switched from Dznuts to TittleBitties to the now Tittles

Everybody calls me Tittles on here so I swtiched it to that.

Tittlebitties is tiny boobies.

Damn she has some tittle bitties. She needs to get implants!

Went from o_87 cause I thought it was really boring to Grandmaster. Because it just sounds too damn cool.
tdinc is from an old website i use to own for website design. way back when meta tags were important for search engine placement. i just kept it

tdinc + total design inc.
If I remember correctly I wanted to sign up somewhere as Rush, which was already taken, but the website suggested rushm001, being the first 5 letters of my surname and 001 for some reason (very James Bond and secret service! 😛)
I am on a number of boards. I use three names. Johnny, which is on this board and spammers paradise, it came one of my favorite cartoons, Johnny Bravo. I will not say what name I use on the other sites.

The one is my real name, the reason for that is because it is from my local area, a musician board. My family is a music family; my dad was a studio musician for groups ranging from the spinners to Steppenwolf. My brother also has a couple of demos. None of them went national, but, a couple were huge hits around this area. His Band was two steps from being signed; he didn't want it to be a business. He enjoys IT more for some reason lol .. Before you ask, yes, I play guitar. If that is what you call it when I play.

The other is my "underground" name .. That is all the further I will go with that one ..
Oh yeah, I gave the explanation my older name somehwhere in this thread too.

Johnny said:
The other is my "underground" name .. That is all the further I will go with that one ..

Your porn nickname? 😛
Grandmaster said:
Went from o_87 cause I thought it was really boring to Grandmaster. Because it just sounds too damn cool.

Okay, I'm an idiot. I always wondered what happened to o______________.
Taken from page 2, in case people like wwwdjrcs are lazy and don't want to look.

A friend of mine, for some reason, had his ICQ nick as Lt. Commander Vince. SO I just went with Admiral Michael. and now I use it for all my usernames. That or Admiral_Michael if spaces aren't allowed.
^^ Yes we are Star Trek fans 😛


Also came across this for you wwwdjrcs (Heny's story):
I never knew you changed names here. I always wondered about you too. Looked for you on MSNM a bunch of times.
madmatt said:
I never knew you changed names here. I always wondered about you too. Looked for you on MSNM a bunch of times.

I think I still have you on MSNM. Btw, I thought you knew.


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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie Electronic Punk Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk Sazar Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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