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But what happens when the same people you are trying to protect and give security to don't want you there?
jan said:The trouble w/Dean was ... well ... he is a liberal through and through and he wasn't afraid to show it.This is good news to conservatives like me.The majority of americans wont vote for an out-an-out peddle-to-the-metal liberal.The way that most liberals get elected is to lie or obviscate about who they really are(Kerry,Edwards,Clinton).And they will call themselves progressives or "new" democrats, but they wont call themselves liberals.This is by design.They have to.Dean was not afraid to be who he really is.The democrat leadership knows this too,thats why they had to "take him out".Funny and interesting to watch really.
LeeJend said:The rules go like this:
When an airplane crashes into a skyscraper in New York and you live in Chicago the price of security is too high.
But if the Mall you and your family shops in every week gets bombed no price is too high to pay for security. Or if someone goes into the basement of your childrens school and opens the gas valves and sets a timer, or if someone drives a truck with a thousand pounds of chlordane into your cities reservoir, or...
Should I go on or do you get the message?
Kermit_The_Frog said:Well someone needs to police the world people like Saddam kill hundred of thousands of people and we sit by idle on our computers with our big houses and all the comforts possible and cry and complain about anything ... so what there were no MWOD or is it possible that during all the time it took to comvince the bleeding hearts maybe alot of that stuff was destroyed or shipped to another location? Sure lets all sit back and watch thousands of innocent people get slaugtered and killed all over the world everyday or have the balls to stand up and say ok enough is enough and do something to try and free nations and give them a chance to hold proper elections and live in a world where they wont be thrown in prison for wearing shorts or listening to music of playing football ..... get real people the world needs the strong nations with the means to step up and face the music and help ... all the bleeding hearts will always cry foul after the fact its always been that way
can someone post a link? Being in the UK I missed it and I have never seen a thread with such, errrr, how can I put it?.... a political feel to it! But yeah Hip Hip something (Doofus?)perris said:now, about his speach last night
chastity said:Yep Bush Sr did a better job and would have gotten re-elected if the economy didn't go down the drain but current
Mainframeguy said:glad to live in UK here 🙄
Kermit_The_Frog said:What difference does that make Tony and Bozo Bush are bedmates