the most interesting thing about this election year, though funny, not in the least, is that the republican party keeps their candidate in, even though (actually because of the fact) he starts meaningless war with lies and forgeries and we die every day for it.
this head of state circumvents the American form of government, he hides information from people that he is mandated to show it to, he lies about other information that he makes beleive he has, he uses forged information to prove non existant points, all of this in his effort to circumvent the American government as it is designed to function, he does and end around the very checks and balances that are in place specifically to prevent this war monger's behavior.
and yet the republican constituents stand by a man like this.
Could someone, (a Repbulican preferred), tell me how behavior like this, where American Patriots that are sent off to defend what they were told, and what their parents were told was a danger of "imminent urgency" is somehow forgiven?
someone tell me how what this president has done to this country is ignored.
don't forget that Bush was told by every authoring source of his information that his interperation was incorrect before he started his war
he appeassed each of these authoring organizations by saying, "there is 'other more sensitive info' us on our itnerperatition"
his "cia proof"...ha, they told him his before the war, his public anlysis of the information they gave him could not be supported.
his scientists also tell us they told him long before this reduculous war that he was not reporting their information acurately, and that there were no weapons.
this is the most interesting thing.
a Republican, no matter that he destroys America, as long as it's a republican, the destruction of this country and her well being is fine to other republicans...after all, "it's a republican that said these things, so it's all good"
and the mindless republican constituents that follow the pipe playing of this mad man so that he can have another term in office.
all this, so that they can continue to put some money into rich peoples pockets, who are in the war defense industry that put this mad man in office.
lies and lies and lies again.
but republicans believe then actually make beleiive that they beleive the next "other" story, even though it comes from the same liers mouth.
anything to keep their Republican in office
talk about interesting
it is alarming, and it's frightening
interesting to be sure but alarming and frightening for the most of it