Keshik said:
cpu, did you use the floppy install or the network install? this site does look quite promising though 🙂 how does it run? I might have to wait a week or so to be able to install the dif os though...
i did the network install. here are the basic steps i took:
create 3 partitions with partition magic boot floppies (24 MB swap, a 10 MB ext2 at the end of the drive, and everything else in the middle goes into another ext2 partition.)
copy root floppy to small partition at end of disk. (i used a weird method to do this...i'll explain more later)
set up NFS server with slackware packages on my XP machine. I tried setting up an NFS server on my other slackware box, and it worked...but for some reason it wouldn't install from that one. So, I used a free trial of Omni-NFS Server ( )
I booted the laptop from the bare.i boot disk with the option
mount root=/dev/hda3 rw and went through the normal setup process.
the main thing you have to watch out for is package selection. if you don't need it, don't select it. hard disk space is precious.
another weird obstacle that i ran into was that the bare.i bootdisk did not have APM support on i had to tap a key on the keyboard (i chose shift) every few minutes in order to keep the hard drive from spinning down.
but now it's running fine. i'm using bash shell, running sshd, proftpd, and an opendchub (extended family shares pictures and home movies on it.)
pretty handy