yes but biometrics would also have your finger prints on it, so why you need both ? also to make my point clear if they mean its only people who have been convicted of a crime will be in this database and that's all they will have access to then fine, but if its a case of the whole population then no im not fine with it.
Over here in the UK if you are arrested you have a DNA sample taken, so your automatically on there, but if you are not charged or convicted your information stays on there although it should be removed, and the procedure for doing that is long and sometimes takes years and many different government departments, what about those people, they shouldn't be on there but are.
As i said above everything is open to abuse and misuse, and the UK government has lost enough information on its subjects in the last few months, and that is bad enough, what if this info is lost in another country? A little sorry won't cut it