Just a quick note to see if this is common. Just for some background:
AMD Athlon 1100
Radeon 64 DDR VIVO
512 M of crucial pc133
I installed xp around Turkey Day. I've had a few problems but overall, I'm satisfied. Recently, I haven't been able to play dvd's. Not with Windows Media player or my ATI program. I keep getting a message that reads:
Not enough video overlay
There are more messages along with that. If anyone has a clue, please let me know!!
AMD Athlon 1100
Radeon 64 DDR VIVO
512 M of crucial pc133
I installed xp around Turkey Day. I've had a few problems but overall, I'm satisfied. Recently, I haven't been able to play dvd's. Not with Windows Media player or my ATI program. I keep getting a message that reads:
Not enough video overlay
There are more messages along with that. If anyone has a clue, please let me know!!