ok, just got a 2nd stick of corsair XMS for my AMD & Asus rig, so its 1gb now, its a A7V8X so no duel channel DDR for me this time round.
anyway, on 1st boot i got BSOD about 2 mins into runtime, i put this down to running on the turbo omg im about to blow up at warp 9 setting, so i backed the timings off and rebooted. (was a 0x0a stop code, pointing at either faulty ram, ie 2 sticks at fastest timings, or a corrupt pagefile. now i had my page file manually set to 1.5 gb from b4, and i remember seing posts about deleting the page file after adding new ram. so i made the PF 0mb, rebooted, and clicked auto sizing from the options.
XP decided i need a 1.5gb page file with 1gb of ram. my commit charge never seems to go above 256mb with a limit of 2.5 gb (perfect sizing mr xp 😉)
i know i could set a 2.5gb page file or leave windows to sort it, but its a pain in the ass when ur gaming and xp decided to enlarge the pagefile.
i managed to get the ram timings back to
In-Order Queue Depth 4
CAS Latency 2T
RAS To CAS Delay 2T
RAS Precharge 2T
RAS Active Time 6T
so im happy with the timings. 100% stable.
basically after all that, has anyone got any more memory tips they think i should take advantage of ?
anyway, on 1st boot i got BSOD about 2 mins into runtime, i put this down to running on the turbo omg im about to blow up at warp 9 setting, so i backed the timings off and rebooted. (was a 0x0a stop code, pointing at either faulty ram, ie 2 sticks at fastest timings, or a corrupt pagefile. now i had my page file manually set to 1.5 gb from b4, and i remember seing posts about deleting the page file after adding new ram. so i made the PF 0mb, rebooted, and clicked auto sizing from the options.
XP decided i need a 1.5gb page file with 1gb of ram. my commit charge never seems to go above 256mb with a limit of 2.5 gb (perfect sizing mr xp 😉)
i know i could set a 2.5gb page file or leave windows to sort it, but its a pain in the ass when ur gaming and xp decided to enlarge the pagefile.
i managed to get the ram timings back to
In-Order Queue Depth 4
CAS Latency 2T
RAS To CAS Delay 2T
RAS Precharge 2T
RAS Active Time 6T
so im happy with the timings. 100% stable.
basically after all that, has anyone got any more memory tips they think i should take advantage of ?