can i use these rpm's to upgrade my KDE?


Caffeine-->Code Converter
25 Apr 2002
im trying to upgrade KDE and found this on the web:
this is exactly what you do to upgrade to kde 3.2.1 in fedora or redhat9. This upgraded me to kde 3.2.1 so easily after so many other attempts failed. this will take care of all dependencies and all packages in 3 commands.

Download apt here
Install apt
Goto /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and open kde-redhat.list

Replace kde-redhat.list with this one

This file is repositories meaning locations to download the kde files. This file contains enough repositories to make sure everything downloads correctly. I hope you have a cable modem, because you'll be downloading a lot of stuff.

After your kde-redhat.list is replaced, type the following 3 commands.
apt-get update
apt-get install kde themer qt arts kdelibs kdebase
apt-get dist-upgrade

apt-get update will download the necessary files to update to kde3.2.1 including dependancies.
apt-get install kde themer qt arts kdelibs kdebase is self explanitory
apt-get dist-upgrade will download the rest of the updates for the newest versions of your software such as openoffice, etc...

Good luck. And btw, I spent 5 hours trying to get kde to upgrade to 3.2.1. I download apt, used this kde-redhat.list file, did the 3 commands, and walla, it was all installed and perfect.

Once everything is finished, just logout of kde, type control + alt + backspace, and you'll kill the x server, and then just type startx at the command line and it'll reload x server with the new kde.
it says that its what one would do in Fedora or in RedHat9. I'm using Mandrake 9.2. is it possible for me to do this procedure? or will my KDE get screwed up (or worse, my system 😱)?


i wouldn't recommend doing it that way :-\

unfortunately, i can't recommend any other way of doing it either! but those packages are meant for probably won't work on a mandrake system.
yeah, i figured it wouldnt work. thx for the reply tho 🙂
i actually found a way to upgrade KDE 3.1 (which comes with mdk 9.2) to KDE 3.2 using rpms. i dont know if anyone's interested in it, but its not an "official" rpm list, but damn did it work well 😀
i'll post the url if ppl ask for it (low bandwidth problems sometimes)

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