Black Hat/DefCon


Political Access
5 Dec 2001
Hey guys,

Figured I'd post a quick item regarding Black Hat and or DefCon this year. I will be leaving for Vegas from Phoenix in just a few short hours, I am currently procrastinating on packing my suitcase.

This year I will be in Vegas from the 31st of July till the 11th of August. I am going to be working for Black Hat (slave labour), in return I will be able to go see several talks that are being held. I am going to be going to Dan Kaminsky's talk. I am looking forward to this. Long days, short nights ... Awesome 😀.

DefCon this year is from Friday the 8th till Sunday the 10th. I will be attending DefCon as well. This year I am looking forward to what LostboY's mystery challenge is going to be. Apparently the boxes he has created look awesome.

Is anyone else from the OSNN crowd going to be there?
I'll be here in Austin enjoying the sun and the live music 🙂

Have a good time though.
Are you going to post any news stories or blog something in relation to Black Hat and/or DefCon?
unless he signed up for press credentials, I don't think he's allowed to do anything live..
Who cares if he is allowed to or not.

I seriously doubt that the Defcon peeps actually are on the level in all their dealings 🙂
Who cares if he is allowed to or not.

I seriously doubt that the Defcon peeps actually are on the level in all their dealings 🙂


ya think 😛
Who cares if he is allowed to or not.

I seriously doubt that the Defcon peeps actually are on the level in all their dealings 🙂

Considering I would like to be invited back to BlackHat/DefCon next year I will need to make sure that I stay within the guidelines they have set forth.

I am currently sitting at BlackHat waiting for something to do. We completed most of the tasks we needed to get done early, so I get some down time. I am currently on the wireless network quickly writing this.

Grifter is about to own my face and tell me to get to work 😛

That being said, I will post some news hopefully later on in the week when I get more down time.

BlackHat is a whole lot of fun, I am really enjoying myself and I am meeting all kinds of people in the security industry that are heroes of mine, and or I have read their research.

So no-one is coming down? Shame, I was kind of hoping to meet some of you guys.

Okay- Word has come down, I have to put letters in envelopes to give to people that are currently in classes to have a certificate of completion!
Now I am sitting here duping DVD's. Not sure what is on them. Not sure I want to find out either 😛

At least I get more down time. The other guys I am with are laying network cables and fixing a power issue.
I would have loved to come..but I'm limited on both time and traveling money
I drove up to Vegas on Thursday, got there, the next day I was up at 0800, and then I was on my hands and knees taping down network cables, power strips and other such things so that the trainers at Black Hat had their own networks to show their stuff. I was up till about midnight before I got to go to sleep. The next morning I had to be up at 0800 again, this time to put out fires, run a new network cable there where it is not working, and or fix power strips that did not provide power.

After that we have to stuff delegate bags. Delegate bags are Black Hat labeled bags which contain information, a CD with presentations and other things. We ended up stuffing 5000 delegate bags that same day. Chinese sweat shop style. We end the day at about 2000. I finally get to go to sleep at about 1100, after I find some dinner that does not cost an arm and a leg. Finally I get a break, Sunday I get second shift. Have to be up at around 1200. Straight to lunch duty (more about that later). Not much else goes on, we have to put certificates of course completion into black envelopes. Side note: Every single certificate is hand signed by Jeff Moss the creator of Black Hat. We all end up being let out early at around 1800, we head down to the bar to hang out and socialise. I end up leaving at around 2300 to head to bed. Next morning we have to be up at 0800, new people are coming in for training, this means that the instructors always have more issues than ever before, for some reason when new people come in they screw things up badly. A room that was perfectly fine 24 hours ago is now suddenly having 10 cables that don't work. Go figure. After putting out the fires we get some down time to just sit around, until lunch duty roles around again. It is a Monday, and I think back to the weekend I just spent running around like a mad man. That night the entire crew ends up at the Hofbrauhaus in Las Vegas. German beer, German food and German music. It was a great amount of fun. One of the guys is celebrating his birthday, so the waitress brings out a paddle with shots on it, and he then gets spanked. I got to sleep early, 2300. Tuesday is the last day of training, so we get up in the morning, put out any fires and once again put certificates in envelopes. I also get to help setting up the store, it is going to be open at around 1500 that day so we have to get all the swag sorted into different boxes, by size, and by what type of shirt it is. After that we have lunch duty. I end up being on store duty from 1400 till 1800. It is crazy, we have to in our head calculate the cost of each persons bag they want to purchase, and then either get cash from them, or hand it off to GuuWii for credit card processing. Then at the end of the day at around 1700 when classes let out, we have to go around to each room, untape any and all cables. That includes power, network and other. This takes us well until 2300. After that we need to run long network cables for Aruba networks access points so that people can get Wifi during Black Hat. This takes us until about midnight. I get to sleep at about 0100. And you guess right if you think I have to be up by 0800 the next morning. I am on store duty again, this means that once again it is a mad house trying to get people their shirts and products, calculating out numbers in my head and getting it all set up and good. I miss out on the Keynote, and on Dan Kaminsky's talk, which is the talk I wanted to go to. Grandma Kaminsky has once again made cookies and I miss out on them because I am working my ass off. Oh well, I am going to see him at DefCon this year. The store is almost out of all of it's product by the end of the day. Briefings went well, and I got to go to see the one on using Dtrace on Mac OS X for reverse engineering. Very cool. End of the day we end up doing what is going to be an annual tradition, the walk from Caesars to NYNY.

The year before, Joe Grand, AKA Kingpin had lost a bet and had to wear one of the shirts that the porn card pushers wear. The ones that say, "Girls direct to your room in 20 minutes" with a number. This year the same thing happened, except no bet was lost, however one of my friends, who has now been dubbed Pushpin looks very much like a younger Joe Grand. He was with us, and unbeknownst to him, we bought him a shirt and he too had to wear it. Pictures will be forthcoming. It is hilarious.

I get back to the Hotel at around 2300, hang out at the bar for a little bit. Just socialise, introduce myself to people in the security industry. Next morning, same drill, up at 0800. I work the store until lunch, and then I am once again down stairs in the heat. Last day, that means that I get some down time, until the talks break at 1800. We have to rip up all of the cables that we put down for the speakers and the wireless AP's. We also have to make sure that all of the BlackHat equipment is out of all of the rooms and everything is properly packed up. We then have to put it all on pallets, and shrink wrap it. After this is all done, I head over to the Riveria to get our room all set up. Pushpin had made the reservations. We head over to the Peppermill for some dinner, and then to the EFF Summit in the Penthouse to raise some money for the EFF.

During the day Black Hat provides lunch to the attendees, meaning I have to stand outside in the sun making sure that only people with badges come in to eat lunch, and if anyone asks what is going on I have to let them know it is a private event.

This is everyday, and trust me, being on your feet for 12+ hours a day is no pleasure at all. The amount of time there was to slack off and sit down was almost zero.

This is at Caesars Palace in Vegas, one side of the hotels conference area to the other side of the conference area. The amount of walking involved was insane, every part of my body was hurting. Even now, that I am sitting at DefCon my feet still hurt from the abuse I gave them.
Sounds like good exerices 😉

Hope you made some worthwhile contacts while putting in all that slave labor. 🙂
I made a lot of contacts, which is awesome.

I am back in Phoenix now, I need some sleep, see you all later!

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie Electronic Punk Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk Sazar Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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