wouldn't the two of you draw if he's unbeatable when you know what yo do?
Smart alec
Unbeatable to everyone else and the only way to draw is if the time limit ran out and you both had EXACTLY the same health.
We had many fights where neither of us was dead at the end of the round but I only drew with him 1 or 2 times total, which was absolutely by chance lol.
Honestly though, once we got to a certain level, there's just no getting any better than that because of the games limitations. There is no way anyone could possibly get better because... there really isn't any level above where we were. We both finished off the game, in multiple loops, w/o losing a round.
We both completed the whole game AND beat Reptile with a double-flawless/fatality in every single round (and then on the repeat).
Goro was sooo easy to beat up
The morphing I think was in MK3, I didn't play 2 that much coz it sucked compared to 1 (imo) and I just went back to playing 1.
It became much too arcadey as well, in 3 you had all the "multi-hit" crap come out. 1 was just pure carnage and skill and reflexes
Kano's fatality was, either a full circle forward, or backwards and one of the punch buttons.
He would reach forward, punch you in the chest, pull out your beating heart and it would beat in his hand till it stopped (I think it stopped, not sure).
It was such a thrill getting to actually accomplish the fatality the first time round
😀 But it was gruesome too :smoker: