Sazar said:
I started it with the intention of answering FAQ's and providing some on-the-fly tech support for people who HAVE or INTEND to get the processors and mobo's...
I fully think this thread is important, and would have started it myself if I thought to do it, good heads up sazaar
allready, great points are made to stear people towards the 64, and some away...this thread will get more and more popular as more people upgrade.
also, I'll be stopping in to read whenever I see a new post, so as to be ready for my upgrade when I get one
I had a p4 3.0c perris... whats your advice for me... ?
my opinion is that anyone getting a new computer should not even concider 32.
it just doesn't make any sense to me to buy a 32 chip now, when this 64 does not suffer performance over what's available in 32
on the other hand, if a person is only going to upgrade for the purpose of having this chip, your money will be better served to wait until you need a new chip, as the prices of these will go down by then, and the performance will go up.
I need a new laptop, and I will not concider anything that is 32 ever again.