OK this might be a little long winded so stay with my.
I just bought 2 256MB RDRAM 600 MHZ Non-ECC chips. I presently have 2 64MB RDRAM 600 MHZ Non-ECC chips. I added them into my motherboard. My motherboard can handle this much, I called Dell and they said no problem as long as I buy my ram in pairs.
When I restart my computer with the new ram. I get a message at first saying that the computer recognizes that there is more memory. I pressed F2 and it recognized in my Bios that there was 640. I went back to the normal start-up. Windows XP tries to start up.. can't.. screen flickers... computer restarts... get a message
Now I can't exactly remember what the message is but, I will try to say what I remember. It gives me a blue screen. It says that it restarted because of one of a few reasons.
1) More memory
2) Power failure
Bla bla
and it will stay at this screen to avoid any corruption to my files.
Has anyone encountered a problem similar to this? I can provide more details if necessary.
I just bought 2 256MB RDRAM 600 MHZ Non-ECC chips. I presently have 2 64MB RDRAM 600 MHZ Non-ECC chips. I added them into my motherboard. My motherboard can handle this much, I called Dell and they said no problem as long as I buy my ram in pairs.
When I restart my computer with the new ram. I get a message at first saying that the computer recognizes that there is more memory. I pressed F2 and it recognized in my Bios that there was 640. I went back to the normal start-up. Windows XP tries to start up.. can't.. screen flickers... computer restarts... get a message
Now I can't exactly remember what the message is but, I will try to say what I remember. It gives me a blue screen. It says that it restarted because of one of a few reasons.
1) More memory
2) Power failure
Bla bla
and it will stay at this screen to avoid any corruption to my files.
Has anyone encountered a problem similar to this? I can provide more details if necessary.