Access a Dos prompt over a network??

  • Thread starter Thread starter drdoug26
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Hi again:

I'm still having problems with our network. I need to shut down a workstation that I can not physically touch. (its locked up in another room).

I can access the C drive through the network neiborhood and if I could figure out a way to "run this program from a dos prompt, my problems would be over.

So, how can I get to a dos prompt on the unaccessable machine through the network neiborhood.

Heres what I been told to run at that prompt:
'c:\windows\rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindows



Network is Win98se workstations and a NT4.0 server.
I think I got it but my commands failed??

I think I got it. I simply went through the Network Neiborhood to the BadWorkstation>C>command. This open up the dos prompt!!!!

But now my command to shut it down have failed!!!!
Here's what I tried:
C:\>Windows/rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindows
C:\>windows/rundll.exe user.exeexitwindowsexec

these did not work!

Please, there must be a command to shut this workstation off or restart it, either would work

I don't think that this would work. Simply because you do not actually RUN this on the other machine, you run it on your machine FROM the other machine. So the command prompt is local to you only. In order to use the machine in the locked room you would need to have a terminal or shell (or remore access) server on the bad pc, and use a client of that program on your PC to interface with it. THEN you would be able to run command as if you were there. If you ever become able to go in that room, install PC Anywhere and set up a server on it. Then install PC Anywhere on your machine, and you would be able to use the other PC as if you were the user in front of the keyboard, and there is a restart function =P

That's about all the help I can give you, sorry.
there is a way

I have seen it done from a command prompt on your local machine. There is a DOS networking command that you can use, but I can't remember how to do it. Do a search on Microsoft's Knowledgebase and also on Google. If I find something I will let you know.

For remote control, you don't need warez. You can use VNC, a free utility that lets you use the remote machine as if it were in front of you. There is a new, much faster version of this app available here.

I would like to know the answer to this myself, so I will take a look.
To run a program:
START [/Switches] programname

To open a data file (in the program associated with its extension):
START [/Switches] document.ext

/M The specified program is opened in a minimized window.
/MAX The specified program is opened in a full screen window.
/R The specified program is opened in its default sized window. [default]
/W Control does not pass back to the window from which START was invoked until the new window is closed.

There is some overlap in the function of START, CALL, and Command /c in that all commands are typically used in batch files to invoke secondary batch files or programs.

A program invoked with START opens under a new, temporary instance of the command interpreter ( in a new window. This window remains open until closed by the user.

START will run executable programs with .exe, .com, and .bat extensions but not Dos internal commands. In addition, if the parameter following START is a data file that Win95 has associated with a particular program, that program will be run and the data file loaded. (Analogous to double-clicking on a file in Windows Explorer).

START will only accept one parameter (batch file, program, or data file). Any additional parameters entered are assumed to be associated with programname or document.ext and handled accordingly.

If long file names contain spaces, they must be enclosed in inverted commas [""]. Otherwise, the parameter is considered "multiple" - see above.

An observation rather than a note, perhaps: unlike every other command, START/? will not be redirected to a file! The file will be created, but output goes to the screen, not the file (which remains empty).
Exit Codes:
0 The command was executed without errors
255 An error occurred.

File Details
File Name Default Location Dos Ver. Win Ver. Size Date Source
Start.exe c:\windows\command 7.0 Win95 9 2161 11/07/95
7.1 Win95 (OSR2.x) 9 2162 24/08/96
Win98 28 6723 11/05/98
Win98 SE 28 6724 23/04/99

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie Electronic Punk Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk Sazar Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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