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  1. Z

    [RSS+PHP(?)]RSS Feed in Signature Image...

    phew, Imagettftext works now! I got a reply from my webhost and all I had to do was put ./ infront of the fontname, so instead of: $font = "arial.ttf"; this: $font = "./arial.ttf"; sheesh :dead: So if someone has similar problems and the host does not allow the GDFONTPATH...
  2. Z

    [RSS+PHP(?)]RSS Feed in Signature Image...

    That's odd, I found out my image doesn't totally load on Internet Explorer, on Firefox no probs, I know IE sucks and nobody should use it but what the heck could be causing this because the other sigs I see on this page load normally :crosseyed:
  3. Z

    [RSS+PHP(?)]RSS Feed in Signature Image...

    I've narrowed the problem down to the imagettftext thing, seems my host's server doesn't understand it, haven't heard anything from my host yet though... I got this thing to work with the imagestring function in the meantime :) How would one go to get the links in there aswell...
  4. Z

    [RSS+PHP(?)]RSS Feed in Signature Image...

    I added this to report error's: error_reporting(E_ALL); This showed me error's on $count and $maxent then I changed this: function charData($parser, $data) { global $store, $array; into this: function charData($parser, $data) { global $store, $array, $count, $maxent; and those...
  5. Z

    [RSS+PHP(?)]RSS Feed in Signature Image...

    Sure thing: First (RSS) sig not working: Second (random image sig) working: (got it here (I gave them txt extensions because with phps...
  6. Z

    [RSS+PHP(?)]RSS Feed in Signature Image...

    Hello guys! :) I've been trying to make a sig like this but without success. I have tried your code Geffy but the image does not display (red cross in Internet Explorer). Anybody know what I'm doing wrong? EDIT: hmm I tried a dynamic signature...