Recent content by Froberg

  1. Froberg

    Batch Scripting - Delete all Directories within a Directory

    @echo off for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /a:d') do ( rd "%%i" /s /q )This nifty piece of code deletes all subdirectories - with any name - in any folder - including their contents. It's what I ended up with. As for the folder creation, that's solved as well - don't have the...
  2. Froberg

    Dungeon Keeper 2 Problems

    Page updated, yet again.
  3. Froberg

    Batch Scripting - Delete all Directories within a Directory

    Terribly sorry for bumping such and old thread, but I'm at my wits end here. Fitz, you may be my saviour in this. I need *almost* the exact same thing, except the files in the root must be intact. So far I've adapted your code thusly; @echo off dir /b /ad %1 > dirlist.txt for /f %%i in...
  4. Froberg

    Dungeon Keeper 2 Problems

    Page has been updated, in case any one is interested. Also, this avatar is awesome.
  5. Froberg

    Why do computers slow down as they get older?

    The curse of age! :/
  6. Froberg

    Dungeon Keeper 2 Problems Fix-page.