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  1. Z

    Signature Request

    I would like to humbly request the services of a skilled graphic arts craftsman :D Seriously just looking for a cool signature if anyone has the time to make one, I was told that here would be a good place to look for one. Looking for something with darker colors with my name Zarband the...
  2. Z

    Sig for Zarband

    Signatures? So not to be annoying and start another uninteresting thread, but I was just wondering where/how I could get one of these nifty handy-dandy signatures i see flying around here?
  3. Z

    Condi Rice or......

    Who do you think would make a better Secretary of State?
  4. Z

    Bored at work......

    I was just wondering how many more of you out there are sitting in front of their computer, having thier soul sucked out by faintly flickering lights, while others prosper from torturing you in the most evil of mental prisons?