Recent content by Perris Calderon

  1. Perris Calderon

    MS didn't get GUI from Apple, or steal it, Zerox GAVE it to Bill.

    From Alan Kay: Alan is quite a man, please read his wiki in that link. Gates didn't visit Zerox like Steve did, but had an in person professional relationship with Alan: Alan kay on the subject Speaking to the interview where gates told Steve something like "it's more like we both broke...
  2. Perris Calderon

    Reaching out for old internet friends

    Howdo 2 u 2 ZEKE_MO!
  3. Perris Calderon

    Reaching out for old internet friends

    Thanks for showing up! Good to see you're save Kr0m
  4. Perris Calderon

    Macs DO NOT Cost IBM Less, Apple Subsidizes IBM to Use Them

    Disclaimer This is data for PC users so not to fall for marketing memes. Mac customers shouldn't be dissuaded from preference, users should get what they like, if you're a Mac user ignore. I'm tired of IBM, Apple and proselytizers mis-represent actual circumstances behind IBM using Macs...
  5. Perris Calderon

    Reaching out for old internet friends

    Hey everyone, lost touch with so many of you, just want to touch base, find what's going in your lives. See you soon I hope Perris DEALER!!!!
  6. Perris Calderon

    Belated Tribute for JEH, (Jamie Edward Hanrahan, RIP Internet me Friend

    As I approach 70, (yup, was 67 in January) I've wanted to find old friends, I'll post a different thread for everyone how can touches base. I became an internet friend with JEH, man did I learn tons from him. My personal emails with him got bounced so I went to 2CPU, his forum of choice, sadly...
  7. Perris Calderon

    Easy Method to Get Complete Right Click Back Windows 11

    My goodness, MS is making it hard liking 11, I understand they want cleaner experience, yet for those of us wanting the complete menu without two clicks, the "clean look" is brutal. I wouldn't mind at all if they gave us an option to order right click, but they don't, and I suppose you can...
  8. Perris Calderon

    Windows 11 Work around for task manager and "create shortcut missing in right click"

    Just added the info with you as contributor, THANKS AZ!
  9. Perris Calderon

    Windows 11 Work around for task manager and "create shortcut missing in right click"

    Did not know that, thanks! I'll head that to the main body when I get to the computer!
  10. Perris Calderon

    Windows 11 Work around for task manager and "create shortcut missing in right click"

    A few big mistakes from MS to work around; First, there's no frigging ungroup task bar icons, second no task bar right click to get task manager. Grouped icons is a security risk, I don't want all my activity on display when I hover, this is no acceptable, I've sent this issue in, but they...
  11. Perris Calderon

    The Actual, (technical) Reason Windows 11 Doesn't Support Some CPUs

    The actual reason, (in spite of conspiracies speculated on the internet), is technical rather than marketing (or otherwise conspiratorial). Even though Windows 10 proved remarkably stable, the few crashes were almost always driver related, Microsoft is now attempting an elimination/reduction of...
  12. Perris Calderon

    Try Windows 11 Free in Browser Regardless Hardware, (including IOS users)

    I didn't even try that, thanks ZOMBIE! all good?
  13. Perris Calderon

    Try Windows 11 Free in Browser Regardless Hardware, (including IOS users)

    Pretty cool, web-based windows 11, it's not complete, but you can give the interface and things like 11 edge browser Windows 11 in browser free Go there, , type any password you want into login when it loads, enjoy 11 interface and a few apps. It's pretty snappy once loaded, you can get...
  14. Perris Calderon

    The ACTUAL Reason M1 is SO Good {spoiler, it's NOT because it's ARM}

    To be clear for those believing Apple proved ARM is a better platform over x86 far from it; So far they’ve proven opposite. Apple and ARM deliberately leaves out the actual factor, (I'll add that for ya), M1 performance isn’t because of ARM, it’s because, (thanks to the buying up the first 5nm...
  15. Perris Calderon

    Go back with backspace fix in edge

    It seems both chrome and MS disabled the backspace button, I don't use Chrome anymore, but there's an extension in edge bringing back the function, get it here;